Gratitude-The magic of expressing thanks daily

I wanted to share a beautiful story of someone who has benefitted greatly by practicing the daily habit of gratitude. Gratitude is the simple practice of expressing thanks for all the things that are going well in our life. It shifts our attention from all the problems in life to the blessings. Problems and blessings … Read more

Thought of the day-Oct 19,2020

We all have problems, every single one of us. The more we are growing, the more we are dreaming, the more we are taking risks and trying to create a world-class life the more problems we are going to face. The bigger the life that you are leading the more struggles you are going to face. And that is a giant gift. It allows you to grow more as a human being. Successful people are who they are today because of the problems they faced and overcame in the past – Robin Sharma